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Please note that:

Response services are guaranteed ONLY for Members. Non-members are not guaranteed a response and will be required to sign a Non-member contract. Services and rates differ. Duty managers can be contacted for exercises.

Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

Middle East Member Forum

Monday, September 25, 2023

We look forward to welcoming our Members in Bahrain for our upcoming Members Forum at The Gulf Hotel, Bahrain.

This is a one-day event with the aim of discussing some key oil spill issues in the Middle East and looking forward to some of the advances in technological tools used in oil spill response. There will also be a networking buffet lunch to give you the opportunity to meet other professionals working in oil spill roles in the region. 



0930 - Welcome refreshments

1000 - Keynote Speech (TBC): Oil Spill Issues in the Middle East

1030 - Strategic Session 1: Oil Spill Aviation Capability in the Middle East - Ms Phui Hang, OSRL Aviation Liaison Officer

1100 - Refreshment break

1115 - Strategic Session 2: Dispersants in the Middle East: Supply, Approval, and Sharing Agreements - Mr Dave Redington, Global Dispersant Services Lead

1200 - Networking Buffet Lunch

1300 - Operational Session 1: Technology in Oil Spill Response: Current Status and Future Prospects - Mr Liam Harrington-Missin, Development & Assurance Lead Technology Innovation

1330 - Refreshment break

1345 - Operational Session 2: Technology and Remote Sensing: Tools available for the Middle East - Ms Phui Hang, OSRL Aviation Liaison Officer

1430 - End of event


Further details to follow soon.


Please register for this event via the registration form on the right >>>