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Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited
News & Media

UKSpill16 – An Oil Spill Science Seminar

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

What does Spill Science offer today’s world of pollution prevention, response and restoration?

On October 18, UKSpill is holding its first Spill Science Seminar, with free entry to registered delegates.

Featuring speakers from National Oceanography Centre, Exeter University, Plymouth University and leaders of EU Projects KillSpill, and Netmar. The Seminar is chaired by the Project Director of Premiam, a UK government spill monitoring project led by CEFAS.

The seminar will take place at, and be hosted by Oil Spill Response Limited, in Southampton. 

A dinner will be held for speakers and delegates the previous evening.

The seminar, hosted by OSRL, is free to registered delegates, subject to space, the seminar dinner is £40 per person, excluding wine.




Delegates must be booked in advance, and registration will take place on arrival at OSRL reception

0830- 0930hrs
Registration for UKSPILL16 Seminar, Tea/Coffee,
Seminar in Conference Room 1



Welcome by OSRL to its Southampton Base with opening remarks by Rob James, Regional Director , EMEA, setting out the role of OSRL.



Opening by Seminar Chairman, Dr Mark Kirby, Premiam Programme Director, CEFAS, introducing the Seminar Theme - What Spill Science has to offer both on land and at marine spills. 

Technology Session

NETMAR - Professor Joao Sousa Porto University, leader of the Netmar project presents the science behind surveillance in a range of marine environments

Netmar demonstrated, evaluated and disseminated new robotic systems, sensors and networking technologies in maritime incidents endangering human life, the environment and economic activities. Air and sea going robotic vehicles provide new capabilities to operate in dull, dirty and dangerous environments.


NOC - Professor Russell B Wynn, Chief Scientist, NOC Marine Autonomous and Robotic Systems Systems, National Oceanography Centre


NOC - Dr Katya Popova, Marine Systems Modelling, National Oceanography Centre


Panel discussion to discuss key points

Break for Buffet lunch hosted by sponsors, in ante room

Impacts Session

Seminar Chairman briefs on the Premiam project and introduces afternoon speakers


KILLSPILL - PROFESSOR Nicolas KALOGERAKIS, of Crete Technical University, leader of KillSpill, presents the scope of this €11m EU funded project on marine bio remediation

Killspill, an EU funded project delivers novel technological tools for oil spills remediation. These new developments include biosensors to monitor hydrocarbon degradation, novel environmentally friendly dispersants and adsorbents, combined microbial and additives formulations, multifunctional bioremediation agents and tools for sediments decontamination.


EXETER UNIVERSITY – Professor Tamara S Galloway on Marine ecotoxicology and oil spill response impacts


PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY - Professor Tom Hutchinson on Environmental safety assessment of chemicals in the marine environment: challenges and opportunities


Closing Panel discussion to discuss key points


Optional Tour of OSRL base


Seminar ends