Resource Library
Precaution and preparedness: Key to handling oil spills
Aaron Montgomery, Development and Assurance Lead, gives his perspective on preventing and handling incidents with the right management technologies.
Spill Journal: SSL Kolkata
A fire erupted following an explosion on board the SSL Kolkata, in India. OSRL were mobilised to respond to a potential spill under RESPONSECON.
Case Study: Improving Thailand’s Oil Spill Preparedness Strategy
This case study highlights the scale of the capability review which was completed and the resulting improvement through the recommendations delivered.
How to Deal with Inland Oil Spills
Interestingly, there are more inland oil spills than marine spills globally. How can we best mitigate the damages caused by inland spill incidents?
30 Years Since Piper Alpha
Tim Swift, OSRL's Quality Manager, talks about Piper Alpha, lessons learnt and improvements made since.
Case Study: An Exercise Evolving into a Real Emergency Management
A client suffered a real cyber-attack on their IT systems during training. The OSRL team assisted with the emergency in the incident command post.
Case Study: Western Australia State Maritime Environmental Emergency Response (MEER) Exercise
OSRL participated in a five-day state-level exercise called the Exercise Ningaloo Challenge.
Case Study: OSRL supports CEPSA to improve their global oil spill response capability
Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) conducted a Global Capability Review for Compañía Española de Petróleos (CEPSA) in 2016.
Technical Information Sheet: Oil Spill Response Modelling in Oilmap
This datasheet provides a summary of key facts about the 2D OILMAP (TM) model which allows for rapid trajectory modelling of oil spills.
Tersus Dispersant Delivery System
With changes to aircraft legislation in 2014, a new aircraft dispersant spray system was developed to comply; the TERSUS system.
Technical Information Sheet: Capping Stack System
This datasheet provides a summary of key facts about the Subsea Capping Stack System.
Containment and Recovery Field Guide
A guide to containment and recovery operations at sea
OSRL Resource Library
First-hand experience in responding to oil spill incidents of varying nature and locality across the global, allow's Oil Spill Response to provide a wealth of resources and insights.
From case studies with our Members to industry insights and operational field guides spanning response and crisis management to dispersants and contingency planning. All resources are freely available to view or download.