Resource Library
TPR Seminar Series - Part Thirteen: Incident Management System
This thirteenth session sees Paul Foley and Dave Rouse provide an overview of the TPR segment relating to the Incident Management System.
TPR Seminar Series - Part Twelve: Environmental Impact Assessment
Norman Ramos, Principal Consultant and Trainer, provides an overview of the TPR segment relating to Environmental Impact Assessment.
TPR Seminar Series - Part Eleven: Economic Assessment and Compensation
This eleventh session sees OSRL's Development & Assurance Lead, Aaron Montgomery, discuss economic assessment and compensation for marine oil spills.
TPR Seminar Series - Part Ten: Oiled Wildlife Response
This tenth session sees Wildlife Preparedness and Response Manager, Paul Kelway, and guests from Sea Alarm and GOWRS discuss Oiled Wildlife Response.
TPR Seminar Series - Part Nine: Dispersants
This ninth session sees OSRL's Principal Preparedness & Response Authority, Andy Nicoll, discuss the use of dispersants in spill response.
TPR Seminar Series - Part Eight: Shoreline Clean-up Assessment Technique (SCAT)
This eighth session sees Technical Lead , Dr. Rob Holland, discuss Shoreline Clean-up Assessment Techniques (SCAT) for oil spill response.
TPR Seminar Series - Part Seven: Inland Response
This seventh session sees Principle Consultant, Richard Tindell, discuss the considerations and techniques for an Inland Response.
TPR Seminar Series - Part Six: Protection of Sensitive Resources
This sixth session sees Integrated Solutions Manager and OSRL Expert, Dave Rouse, discuss the protection of sensitive resources.
TPR Seminar Series - Part Five: Shoreline Clean-up
This fifth session sees Global Engagement Manager and OSRL Expert, Marcus Russell, discuss the considerations and tactics used in shoreline clean-up.
TPR Seminar Series - Part Four: At Sea Containment and Recovery
This fourth session sees Response Specialist, Ian High, discuss response considerations and effective containment and recovery methods.
TPR Seminar Series - Part Three: In-Situ Burning
This third session sees Senior Consultant, Tristan Barston, explain the considerations of using controlled In-Situ Burning as a response option.
TPR Seminar Series - Part Two: Surveillance, Modelling and Visualisation
This second session sees Simon McCosh and Simon Blean, explain the importance of situational awareness in a response.
OSRL Resource Library
First-hand experience in responding to oil spill incidents of varying nature and locality across the global, allow's Oil Spill Response to provide a wealth of resources and insights.
From case studies with our Members to industry insights and operational field guides spanning response and crisis management to dispersants and contingency planning. All resources are freely available to view or download.