Resumen del año 2024 de OSRL: 40º aniversario, innovación y liderazgo mundial en la respuesta a derrames de petróleo
lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2024
En 2024, OSRL celebró su 40 aniversario con logros clave, incluidos nuevos miembros del equipo, tecnologías avanzadas de respuesta a derrames de petróleo y ejercicios exitosos de vida silvestre. Introdujimos una marca renovada, abrimos una base en Guyana y fortalecimos nuestro compromiso con la seguridad y la protección del medio ambiente. Únase a nosotros mientras reflexionamos sobre un año histórico y miramos hacia el futuro de la respuesta a los derrames de petróleo.
ISOC 2024
lunes, 20 de mayo de 2024
Descubra los aspectos más destacados del IOSC en Nueva Orleans: talleres, respuesta a la vida silvestre, premios y colaboraciones globales que mejoran la preparación y respuesta ante derrames de petróleo.
Aplicación de la experiencia en respuesta a derrames de petróleo para combatir la contaminación marina en el seminario anual de NOSCA en Noruega
martes, 12 de septiembre de 2023
NOSCA invita a OSRL a compartir cómo las técnicas de responsabilidad por derrames de petróleoson transferibles en la lucha contra la contaminación marina microplástica.
World Ocean Day - Making Waves in Education: Inspiring Young Minds to Safeguard the Ocean
miércoles, 7 de junio de 2023
World Ocean Day is celebrated on 8th June, but every day we have a part to play in protecting our oceans for future generations.
Celebrating Earth Day 2023: How OSRL is Investing in Our Planet
jueves, 20 de abril de 2023
This week sees the start of Earth Week celebrations culminating in Earth Day on 22 April. World Earth Day has been celebrated every year on 22 April since 1970.
As a company, we have a role to play in contributing to a cleaner and healthier world. The theme of this year's Earth Day, "Invest In Our Planet," aligns closely with our core purpose, with the origins of Earth Day also holding significance for us, sparked by the Santa Barbara, California, oil spill in 1969, As a global organisation specialising in oil spill response and environmental services, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices. Celebrating Earth Day allows us to reflect on our progress and identify areas where we can continue to positively impact our planet. Find out what we've been doing to Invest In Our Planet.
ATSEA-2 and OSRL Collaboration Journey Continues - Quarter 4 Activities
miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2022
ATSEA-2 and OSRL held their fourth and final webinar for 2022 on 28 November. The webinar covered Oiled Wildlife Response (OWR), Oil Spill Risk Assessment (OSRA), and a case study from Indonesia. Find out more about quarter-four activities and view all webinars.
ATSEA-2 and OSRL Collaboration Journey Continues - Quarter 3 Activities
jueves, 6 de octubre de 2022
ATSEA-2 and OSRL held a Regional Exchange Event in Singapore and the third webinar in the series for 2022. The webinar covered NEBA/SIMA and looked at a case study of a crude palm oil spill in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Find out more about quarter three activities.
ATSEA-2 and OSRL Collaboration on Delivery of Quarterly Webinars
miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2022
ATSEA-2 Regional Project Management Unit (RPMU) and Oil Spill Response Ltd. (OSRL) collaborated this year to deliver quarterly technical webinars. Norman, our Principal Trainer & Consultant answers some of the questions that were asked during the webinar
Q&A at the SWIS Regional Forum Dec 2020
domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2020
Mario Fazio, our SWIS Manager in APAC shares the answers to the questions that were raised at the recent SWIS Regional Forum.