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Números de contacto de emergencia

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Los servicios de respuesta están garantizados SOLO para los Miembros. Los no miembros no tienen garantizada una respuesta y se les pedirá que firmen un contrato de no miembros. Los servicios y las tarifas difieren. Los gerentes de servicio pueden ser contactados para ejercicios.

Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited

Biblioteca de recursos

  • 204 Results

Key Factors That Impact Contingency Planning for Oil Spill

Discover the critical factors influencing oil spill contingency planning and how they shape preparedness and response strategies.

  • oct. 24, 2024 
  • 15 min read
  • Contingency Planning

Sharing Resources to Build Resilience: The Growing Importance of Mutualisation in Oil Spill Response

Exploring the role of mutualised expertise in oil spill response: How collaborative frameworks like the UK MAFA enhance industry resilience and preparedness.

  • sep. 16, 2024 
  • Industry

The OSRL Podcast: The Response Force Multiplier - Episode 6

In this episode, we're joined by Martin Fairn from Gazing Performance, as we explore the "Red to Blue" methodology - a practical framework designed to help people best perform under stress.

  • ago. 22, 2024 
  • Crisis Management
Spill Journal

Diario de derrames: Macondo, Aguas profundas

Deepwater Horizon: Lecciones del derrame de petróleo más grande del mundo y la evolución de la respuesta de la industria

  • ago. 15, 2024 
  • Response

Readiness in Action: Inside OSRL’s Surface Dispersant Exercise

Discover OSRL’s Surface Dispersant Exercise on the Isle of Wight, highlighting our dedication to enhancing responder skills with advanced training and monitoring methods

  • jun. 27, 2024 
  • Exercises
Spill Journal

Spill Journal: X-Press Pearl

Explore our role in X-Press Pearl's cleanup, collaborative strategies, and maritime disaster response implications in this Spill Journal.

  • abr. 29, 2024 
  • Response

Redefining Crisis Management Training: The Potential Pitfalls of Over-reliance on Virtual Training

Amid crisis management's evolution, virtual training expands accessibility. But can it fully replicate crisis demands? We explore this critical balance.

  • abr. 17, 2024 
  • Crisis Management

The OSRL Podcast: The Response Force Multiplier - Episode 5

In this episode, we join OSRL's Incident and Crisis Management Lead, Dave Rouse, and guests as they reflect on critical crisis management lessons and strategies for navigating uncertainty.

  • feb. 28, 2024 
  • Crisis Management
Case Study

Crisis-Ready Excellence: Delivering preparedness training to a major international oil and gas company.

A major international Oil and Gas company approached us to deliver a training course to their staff to help develop their structure for preparing and responding to emergencies.

  • ene. 30, 2024 
  • Incident Management
Recorded Seminar

Preparedness Journey Webinar Series - Webinar 4:Training, Exercises, and Continuous Improvement

Our experts examine how we develop our Training Drills or Exercises. How how we can maintain our response readiness and discuss the preparedness tools and support services offered by OSRL.

  • ene. 15, 2024 
  • 60 min watch
  • Industry
Recorded Seminar

Serie de seminarios web sobre el viaje de preparación - Seminario web 3: Equipos y recursos para una respuesta eficaz

Nuestros expertos se centran en el aspecto crítico de la selección, el mantenimiento y el despliegue de los equipos y recursos adecuados durante un incidente de derrame de petróleo.

  • ene. 12, 2024 
  • 60 min watch
  • Industry
Recorded Seminar

Preparedness Journey Webinar Series - Webinar 2: Risk Assessment and Contingency Planning

Our experts guide you in assessing potential gaps in your oil spill preparedness, aiding in the development of a plan to address and close those gaps in enhanced future readiness.

  • ene. 10, 2024 
  • 60 min watch
  • Industry

Biblioteca de recursos OSRL

La experiencia de primera mano en la respuesta a incidentes de derrames de petróleo de diversa naturaleza y localidad en todo el mundo, permite que la Respuesta a Derrames de Petróleo proporcione una gran cantidad de recursos y conocimientos.

Desde estudios de casos con nuestros miembros hasta conocimientos de la industria y guías de campo operativas que abarcan la respuesta y la gestión de crisis hasta los dispersantes y la planificación de contingencias. Todos los recursos están disponibles gratuitamente para ver o descargar.