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TPR Wheel Seminar Series: Surveillance, Modelling and Visualisation

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2022

Aerial Surveillance Course.jpg

Tiered Preparedness and Response is an internationally recognised planning approach that enables the integration of local, regional and global capabilities into oil spill response planning. 

In this second session of a 16 part series, Simon McCosh, Aviation Liaison Officer (EMEA) and Simon Blean, Geomatics Supervisor, will explain the importance of situational awareness in a response and the considerations surrounding Surveillance, Modelling and Visualisation during decision making.

Tiered Preparedness and Response Wheel Seminar Series:

Surveillance, Modelling and Visualisation

Thursday 24th March 

08:30 GMT

30 minutes

Please use the form on your right to register. 

If you have previously registered for the TPR Seminar Series, you will receive links to join this and future sessions in the series. 


Thank you for your interest in the webinar!