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Números de contacto de emergencia

Tenga en cuenta que:

Los servicios de respuesta están garantizados SOLO para los miembros. A los no miembros no se les garantiza una respuesta y se les pedirá que firmen un contrato de no miembro. Los servicios y las tarifas difieren. Se puede contactar a los gerentes de turno para los ejercicios.

Oil Spill Response Limited Oil Spill Response Limited

Servicios de Vida Silvestre

Con una historia bien establecida de apoyo a la preparación y respuesta ante emergencias de vida silvestre a través de más de 15 años de colaboración formal con la Fundación Sea Alarm, nuestra posición en la industria nos ha permitido catalizar la preparación y respuesta ante emergencias de vida silvestre como un componente integral de las buenas prácticas de preparación y respuesta ante derrames de petróleo. 

Para avanzar y apoyar este componente integral, un grupo de organizaciones líderes en respuesta a la vida silvestre ha estado trabajando para desarrollar un marco para la respuesta internacional a la vida silvestre que pueda satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad de respuesta a la vida silvestre, la industria petrolera y otras partes interesadas a través del Proyecto del Servicio Global de Respuesta a la Vida Silvestre Petrolizada (GOWRS).

El Servicio de Asesoría Técnica de Sea Alarm, junto con los paquetes de equipos de vida silvestre y el recién formado Equipo de Evaluación de GOWRS, conforman una oferta mejorada de Servicios de Respuesta a la Vida Silvestre disponibles para nuestros Miembros como parte del Acuerdo de Nivel de Servicio de Vida Silvestre (SLA) Petrolizado.

Sea Alarm Technical Advice

Technical advice from Sea Alarm gives you access to two Technical Advisers​; one that can be mobilised on-site and one via remote support.

New GOWRS Assessment Team

A four-person Assessment Team including specialists in Operations/Planning, Field & Capture, Rehab & Facilities, Vet/Incident-specifics.

Wildlife Response Equipment

Critical response equipment for search & rescue​, medical​ and cleaning & rehab.

The service in detail

Technical Advice from Sea Alarm

Two experts are available from Sea Alarm 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to assist with, remote advice and monitoring, analysing any unfolding scenarios that may lead to significant wildlife impacts​. 
One expert is ready to be deployed onsite to assist the Incident Management System (IMS), connecting with relevant in-country authorities, stakeholders and responders. The second expert can provide online support, applying Sea Alarm Foundation’s international connectivity.

Find Out More About Sea Alarm

Oiled Wildlife Assessment Service from GOWRS

A ready-to-deploy Assessment Team of 4 experts available to evaluate and provide on-the-ground recommendations to Members on the need for, feasibility of, and necessary elements in, a full-scale wildlife response when Tier 1 and 2 capabilities have been exceeded.​

Recommendations will inform Members on the need, capability, and potential providers of full-scale wildlife operations services available through individual service providers​.

Learn More About The GOWRS Partners

Wildlife Response Equipment

Recently updated wildlife response equipment packages with a focus on birds and standardised across our operational bases, to support the first 48 hours of a response​.

This critical equipment is aimed to support search & rescue, medical​, cleaning & rehabilitation​ with 50% of the stockpile available to Members​. While not exhaustive, the equipment will support initial wildlife response operations in situations where local supply chain logistics are not yet fully functional.

Wildlife Services Explained

Discover the three aspects of the Wildlife Response Service available to OSRL Members.


To download a PDF of this presentation, click here.

Ensure you're ready to respond

According to the IPIECA Good Practice Guide on Wildlife Response Preparedness: 

Oiled wildlife response is the combination of activities that aim to minimise the impacts of an oil spill on wildlife (such as birds, mammals and reptiles). Minimising the impacts is achieved by preventing oiling where possible and mitigating the effects of oiling. Response activities can include:

  • the assessment of wildlife risks in time and space
  • real-time monitoring of the whereabouts of wildlife compared to the oil
  • protection of nesting/haul-out sites
  • hazing and deterrence (scaring animals away from oil)
  • pre-emptive capture and collection of un-oiled animals and their offspring/eggs
  • collection and analysis of corpses
  • euthanasia
  • rehabilitation of live oiled animals to release to the wild
  • monitoring of post-release survival.
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A response without a pre-spill agreed wildlife plan in place will have an enormous potential for delays and inefficiency. Therefore, a pre-spill developed wildlife response plan is the best guarantee for a fast and effective wildlife response mobilisation, implemented through training and exercises. Such a plan is best integrated with the overall oil spill response plan that a Member has in place for its oil exploration, production or transportation activities in a country or area. 

IPIECA Good Practice Guide:

Wildlife Response Preparedness



Read the Guide

IPIECA Good Practice Guide:

Key Principles for the Protection, Care and Rehabilitation of Oiled Wildlife


Read the Guide

Herramienta ready Check

Esta herramienta lo ayudará a evaluar su nivel de preparación para responder a un incidente de derrame de petróleo.

Compruebe listo para responder

Wildlife Preparedness & Response Community of Practice

As wildlife response became increasingly recognised at an international level, key industry, governmental and non-governmental stakeholders came together at a meeting at Interspill 2012 in London, hosted by OSRL and Sea Alarm, to discuss the “Future of Global Oiled Wildlife Response and Preparedness.” This meeting served as a catalyst for the multi-year Global Oiled Wildlife Response System (GOWRS) Project that ran between 2015-2021. An Industry Advisory Group (IAG) was also formed to support the project and provide an interface with oil industry funders and end-users. 


Collaboration between industry stakeholders has continued to evolve since then, also encouraged by the fact that “wildlife” was recognised as one of the 15 priority targets for strengthening tiered response preparedness. In 2019, industry delegates participated in an IPIECA-funded workshop facilitated by Sea Alarm and some of the GOWRS Project Partners to map the journey of implementing that target. To carry forward the recommendations from this workshop the Wildlife Preparedness and Response ‘Community of Practice’ was formed out of the IAG and has been meeting quarterly since early 2021. The group aims to share experiences and lessons learned, support and drive implementation and continue nurturing strong collaboration across the industry and beyond.


Interested to join the Community of Practice? Click here

Accessing the Wildlife Response Services

Accessing any aspect of the Wildlife Response Service during a response couldn't be simpler, just call our Duty Managers on the usual numbers or to discuss any aspect of the service, get in contact.